1. Description

Abstracto is a feature rich Discord bot written in Java and uses JDA as the wrapper for the Discord API. This documentation is split into two parts: Technical documentation and user documentation.

2. Glossary

Post target

Describes the channel where Abstracto will send specific messages to. For example, the command ban sends a message containing information about the ban to the banLog post target. Post targets can be configured with the command posttarget and once defined can only be switched to another channel. The bot needs MESSAGE_WRITE in the channel in order to send the messages.

Decayed warnings

Warnings have a decayed property, which means it can be marked as inactive, while the warning itself is not deleted.

3. General information

Duration input

This procedure is done when a command requires a duration as an input, for example mute. In order to define a duration: use a positive number followed by one of the following time units: s, m, h, d or w representing seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks respectively. Weeks in this case are just a short hand for 7 days.

Pagination navigation

If a pagination is used for the output of a command you can navigate the pages with ◀️ and ▶️ and ⏹️ to close the pagination.

Role as parameter

Whenever a role is a parameter for a command, this can be done by either providing the role ID or mentioning the role.

Channel groups

This concept enables you to group channels together into channel groups and enact certain restrictions or features on this whole group.

System configuration

Some properties can be configured while the bot is running and can be changed for each guild respectively. In the respective features they are noted under Relevant system configuration. In order to change this you need to use the command setConfig with the provided key and the new desired value.


The features have section of the keys of used emotes in the feature, you can change this emote with the setEmote command.

Feature Modes

Features can have different modes. This means, a feature behaves differently if the mode is changed. For example: modmail has two modes: log and noLog. In the mode log mod mail threads will be logged into the post target modmailLog while in the noLog mode, this does not happen. This consideration of the modes does depend on the implementation of the features.

4. Features

4.1. Core

The core feature contains necessary commands in order for Abstracto to function and be configured.

4.1.1. Relevant system configuration

noCommandFoundReporting Whether not found commands should be reported back to the user. Default: true.

maxMessages The upper limit of messages created by the template mechanism. Default: 3.

confirmationTimeout The duration in seconds after which the confirmation is deleted. Default: 120.

4.1.2. Emotes

  • successReaction reaction emote in case the command completed successfully

  • warnReaction reaction emote in case the command did not complete successfully

4.1.3. Commands

  • Usage: help [module/command]

  • Description: If no parameter is provided, this will list the currently available modules and a short description. If the provided parameter matches the name of a module, information about that module is displayed. This information includes a description and the executable commands of this module. If the provided parameter matches a command name, information about this command is displayed. The module matching takes precedence over command matching. This information includes a short description, a more detailed description, aliases (if any), parameters (if any), which roles are allowed to execute the command, and which effects a command has

Changing the system configuration
  • Usage setConfig <key> <value>

  • Description: Changes the value of this configuration identified by key to value. Some of these configurations have separate specific commands, but this works in general.

  • Example: setConfig expMin 15 to set the minimum experience to 15

Resetting the configuration to default values
  • Usage resetConfig [key/feature]

  • Description: Resets the configuration of the given key or for the complete feature identified by feature. If this is not provided, it will reset the entire server to the default configuration.

Changing emotes the bot uses
  • Usage: setEmote <key> <emote>

  • Description: Sets the emote identified by key used by the bot on this server to emote. This allows both built in emotes and custom emotes, but the bot must be in the server of the custom emote in order to use them.

Clearing the cache
  • Usage: clearCache

  • Description: Clears the internal cache used by the bot. This is mostly useful to update tempaltes when they were changed in the database.

  • Usage: ping

  • Description: Prints the gateway ping of the bot to the Discord servers.

  • Usage: echo <text>

  • Description: Echos text in the same channel this command as executed in.

Changing the prefix
  • Usage: setPrefix <prefix>

  • Description: Changes the prefix of the bot in this guild to prefix. This can be one or multiple characters.

Changing a post target
  • Usage: posttarget <key> <channel>

  • Description: Changes the given post target identified by key to channel. All messages using this post target will be sent to this channel from now on. If neither key nor channel is given, this will print the currently available post targets and the channels they point to, if set.

  • Example: posttarget banLog #general to log the bans in the #general channel.

Disabling a post target
  • Usage: disablePostTarget <key>

  • Description: Disables the post target identified by key to not send any messages towards. Some features require a post target to be enabled, and have the option to throw an exception, others might just ignore it.

Enabling a post target
  • Usage: enablePostTarget <key>

  • Description: Enables the post target identified by key to not send any messages towards.

Changing admin mode
  • Usage: setAdminMode <true/false>

  • Description: Changes the admin modes on this server to the given value. Admin mode means, that all commands in the current server, can only be executed by members who have the ADMINISTRATOR permission.

Listing the features
  • Usage: features

  • Description: Lists the available features and whether they are enabled in this server.

Enabling a feature
  • Usage: enableFeature <key>

  • Description: Enables the feature identified by key in this server. If the feature dependents on other features, they will be enabled as well. Any configuration which requires setup will be listed. In order to start a configuration wizard execute the command setupFeature.

  • Example: enableFeature moderation to enable the moderation feature

Disabling a feature
  • Usage: disableFeature <key>

  • Description: Disables the feature identified by key in this server. If the feature is required for other features, they will be disabled as well.

  • Example: disableFeature moderation to disable the moderation feature

Creating a channel group
  • Usage: createChannelGroup <key>

  • Description: Creates a new channel group identified by key. There are different types of channel groups, depending on the features available. Per default command and commandCoolDown are available.

  • Aliases: +ChGroup

Adding a channel to a channel group
  • Usage: addToChannelGroup <groupName> <channel>

  • Description: Adds the channel to the channel group identified by the groupName. It is not possible for a channel to be in a group twice.

  • Aliases: addTChGrp, chGrpCh+

  • Example: addToChannelGroup group1 #general to add the channel #general to the group group1

Removing a channel from a channel group
  • Usage: removeFromChannelGroup <groupName> <channel>

  • Description: Removes the channel from the channel group identified by groupName.

  • Aliases: rmChChgrp, chGrpCh-

  • Example: removeFromChannelGroup group1 #general to remove the channel #general from the group group1

Deleting a channel group
  • Usage: deleteChannelGroup <key>

  • Description: Deletes the channel group identified by key. This will also remove all associated channels from this group. This command fails, if the group is used in other features and referenced.

  • Aliases: -ChGroup

Disabling a command in a group
  • Usage: disableCommand <commandName> <groupName>

  • Description: Disables the command identified by commandName in the channel group groupName. A command is considered disabled in a specified channel, if the command is disabled in all the groups the channel is in. This requires the command to be added to this channel group first.

  • Example: disableCommand warn group1 to disable the command warn in the group group1

Enabling a command in a group
  • Usage: enableCommand <commandName> <groupName>

  • Description: Enables the command identified by commandName in the channel group groupName. A command is considered enabled in a specified channel, if the command is enabled in any the groups the channel is in.

  • Example: enableCommand warn group1 to enable the command warn in the group group1

Showing all available channel groups
  • Usage: listChannelGroups

  • Description: Provides an overview of the currently available channel groups, which channels are in the group, whether the group has been disabled and the type of the channel group.

  • Aliases: lsChGrp

Allowing a role to execute a command
  • Usage: allowRole <featureName|commandName> <role>

  • Description: Allows the provided role to execute all commands in the feature/the command. This command automatically restricts the commands (does the same as the command restrict), which means, if it was unrestricted before, after executing this command only the provided role can execute the command.

  • Example: allowRole moderation @Staff to allow the role Staff to execute all commands in the moderation feature (where @Staff is a role mention)

Removing permission of a role to execute a command
  • Usage: disAllowRole <featureName|commandName> <role>

  • Description: Removes the role from the list of allowed roles for all commands in the feature/the command.

  • Example: disAllowRole moderation @Staff to forbid the role Staff to execute all commands in the moderation feature (where @Staff is a role mention)

Enforce the role restrictions of commands
  • Usage: restrict <featureName|commandName>

  • Description: Causes the role restrictions for all commands in the feature/the command to be in effect again.

Removing role restrictions from a command
  • Usage: allow <featureName|commandName>

  • Description: Allows everyone to execute all commands in this feature/the command. Which means, any restrictions concerning which role is able to execute a certain command is ignored even if it still configured.

Make a role affected by a command
  • Usage: makeAffected <effect> <role>

  • Description: Makes the role affected by the effect.

  • Example: makeAffected ban @Staff in order to the role Staff can be banned (where @Staff is a role mention)

Make a role immune against a command
  • Usage: makeImmune <effect> <role>

  • Description: Makes the role immune to effect.

  • Example: makeImmune ban @Staff in order to the role Staff cannot be banned (where @Staff is a role mention)

Show all effects
  • Usage: showEffects

  • Description: Shows the currently possible effects and a short description of them.

Enabling a feature mode
  • Usage: enableMode <featureName> <mode>

  • Description: Enables the mode mode in feature featureName. If the mode followed default configuration previously, it will not anymore after executing this command.

Disabling a feature mode
  • Usage: disableMode <featureName> <mode>

  • Description: Disables the mode mode in feature featureName. If the mode followed default configuration previously, it will not anymore after executing this command.

Listing all feature modes
  • Usage featureModes [feature]

  • Description: Lists all of the currently available feature modes and the feature they are associated with. If feature is given, it only lists the feature modes of this feature. The output also includes whether it is enabled and if this value comes from the default configuration.

Setting up a feature with an interactive wizard
  • Usage: setupFeature <featureName>

  • Description: Starts an interactive wizard to configure the necessary configuration of a feature. Closes with a summary page to see all changes.

Allow the bot to use certain mentions
  • Usage: allowMention <mentionType>

  • Description: Allows the bot to use certain mentions. ´mentionType` can either be everyone, role or user. If @everyone is enabled, this also enables @here mentions. This change takes immediate effect and is only for the current server. Per default user and role mentions are enabled. This configuration can be overwritten on a template base.

Disallow the bot to use certain mentions
  • Usage: disallowMention <mentionType>

  • Description: Disallows the bot to use certain mentions. ´mentionType` can either be everyone, role or user. If @everyone is disabled, this also disables @here mentions. This change takes immediate effect and is only for the current server. Per default everyone/here mentions are disabled. This configuration can be overwritten on a template base.

Setting a custom template for this server
  • Usage: setTemplate <templateKey>

  • Description: Adds or updates the given template identified by templateKey only for the current server. The content of the template needs to be attached to the message as a file and is required to be a plaintext file. The file can be named anything. The template needs to be in Freemarker format. This change is only in effect for this server and is called a 'customized template'. This will take effect immediately.

Retrieving the current default template
  • Usage: getTemplate <templateKey>

  • Description: Loads the current global template identified by templateKey and returns the content as an attached file..

Retrieving the current customized template for this server
  • Usage: getCustomTemplate <templateKey>

  • Description: Loads the current customized template identified by templateKey and returns the content as an attached file.

Resetting a customized template to the default template
  • Usage resetTemplate <templateKey>

  • Description: Resets the template identified by templateKey to the default content.

Show a link to documentation
  • Usage documentation

  • Description: Shows links to access the documentation.

Create a server specific alias
  • Usage createAlias <commandName> <alias>

  • Description: Creates the server specific alias for command commandName identified by alias. This means that from now on, users can use the command identified by commandName by using alias in its place, when executing the command or when using the help command. This alias is only available in this server, and it is not allowed to use the names of existing commands or built-in aliases.

Delete a server specific alias
  • Usage: deleteAlias <alias>

  • Description: Deletes the server specific alias identified by alias. It is not possible to delete built-in aliases. Requires you to confirm the command.

Creating a profanity group
  • Usage: createProfanityGroup <profanityGroupName>

  • Description: Creates a profanity group with the given profanityGroupName. This name must be unique within the server.

Adding a profanity regex to a profanity group
  • Usage: addProfanityRegex <profanityGroupName> <profanityName> <regex> [replacement]

  • Description: Adds a profanity regex profanityName to the profanity group profanityGroupName. The regex to be used is in regex. Depending on how the regex is used, you can define a replacement, with which a found text can be replaced. The profanityName must be unique within the profanity group.

Show the current profanity configuration
  • Usage: showProfanityConfig

  • Description: Shows the current profanity configuration for the current server, including all profanity groups and profanity regex.

Removing a profanity regex from a profanity group
  • Usage: removeProfanityRegex <profanityGroupName> <profanityName>

  • Description: Removes the profanity regex profanityName from the profanity group profanityGroupName.

Deleting a profanity group
  • Usage: deleteProfanityGroup <profanityGroupName>

  • Description: Deletes the profanity group identified by profanityGroupName and all profanity regexes within.

Showing the uptime of the bot
  • Usage: uptime

  • Shows the uptime and start time of the bot instance.

Adding a command to a channel group
  • Usage: addCommandToChannelGroup <channelGroupName> <commandName>

  • Description: Adds the command commandName to the channel group channelGroupName. This can be used in various channel group types to customize how these commands behave in the respective channels. For example per default there are channel group types to define whether a command is disabled or the cooldown thereof.

Disabling a channel group
  • Usage: disableChannelGroup <channelGroupName>

  • Description: Disables the effect the channel group channelGroupName has.

Enabling a channel group
  • Usage: enableChannelGroup <channelGroupName>

  • Description: Enables the effect the channel group channelGroupName has.

Removing a command from a channel group
  • Usage: removeCommandFromChannelGroup <channelGroupName> <commandName>

  • Description: Removes the command commandName from the channel group channelGroupName.

Clearing cooldowns
  • Usage: clearCommandCoolDowns

  • Description: Resets all currently active cooldowns of the current server, so every command can be used again.

Setting channel and member cooldowns in a channel group
  • Usage: commandCoolDownChannelGroup <channelGroupName> <channelDuration> <memberDuration>

  • Description: Sets the cooldown of the commands in the channel group channelGroupName to channelDuration and memberDuration for each member.

Setting the global cooldown for a command
  • Usage: commandCoolDownServer <command> <duration>

  • Description: Sets the cooldown for command command to duration for the whole server.

What is a feature mode?

A feature mode is a very specific way in which a feature behaves for a certain decision. These feature modes can be defined for each server and are directly bound to a feature. These feature modes influence the availability of commands or general behavior of features.

An example of a feature mode is mod mail logging: If the feature mode log of mod mail is disabled, no thread will be logged and the separate command closeNoLog will not be available at all, because it will behave the same as the normal close command. If the feature mode is enabled, the messages from the thread are logged in the respective post target and the command will be available.

What is a profanity group?

A profanity group is just a container for various regexes. They are grouped together in order to be identified together and kept organized. Each profanity regex within that group has an additional identifier. For example a profanity group can be used to detect a particular word, but there are different profanities which would detect various possibilities for that one word. This helps reduce the complexity of individual regexes.

How do multiple cooldowns interact

If there are multiple cooldowns on a command active, the longest cooldown will decide the cooldown. A channel cannot be in multiple cooldown channel groups at once and this is actively enforced by the command. If a cooldown is active, an error message is shown with the duration after which the command can be used again.

4.2. Moderation

Feature key: moderation

4.2.1. Post targets


target of the message notifying about bans, both via command and via UI. Will still ban if not setup.


target of the message notifying about un-bans, both via command and via UI. Will still unban if not setup.


target of the log message containing information about the kick. Will still kick if not setup.

4.2.2. Commands

Ban a member
  • Usage: ban <member> <reason>

  • Description: Bans member with the given reason. This sends a logging message to the banLog post target. Banning this way does not delete old messages of the member on the server. It is also possible to ban users via ID, if they are not part of the server anymore.

  • Example: ban @Member bad in order to ban Member with the reason bad (the @Member is a user mention)

  • Required bot permission: BAN_MEMBERS

Unban a user
  • Usage: unBan <userId>

  • Description: Un-bans the given user with the id userId.

  • Required bot permission: BAN_MEMBERS

Kick a member
  • Usage: kick <member> [reason]

  • Description: Kicks the member from the guild with the given reason. If the reason is not provided, a default reason is used.

  • Example: kick @Member bad in order to kick Member with the reason bad (the @Member is a user mention)

  • Required bot permission: KICK_MEMBERS

Change slowmode in a channel
  • Usage: slowmode <duration> [channel]

  • Description: This command sets the slow mode in the channel to the given duration. This command uses duration parsing. The channel is optional and if none is provided, the current channel is used.

  • Example: slowMode 1h2m3s #general in order to set the slow mode in channel general to 1 hour 2 minutes and 3 seconds (the #general is a channel mention)

Purging messages in a channel
  • Usage: purge <messageCount> [member]

  • Description: Deletes the last messageCount messages in the current channel. If a member is provided as parameter, only the messages by this member will be deleted. The deletion of this messages will not be logged by the logging mechanism. The messages to be deleted need to be from within the last 2 weeks, but there is no limit on how much messages can be deleted besides that. While the command is ongoing, a status update message will be shown indicating how far the command is. This message will be deleted after the command is done.

Deleting all messages and kicking a member
  • Usage softBan <user> [delDays]

  • Description: Bans the given user and deletes the messages for the given time period in delDays. This duration must be in days and can be at most 7 days. When no duration is provided 7 days are used. This command automatically unbans the user afterwards.

4.3. Warning

This feature can be used to warn specific users if they did something not allowed by the rules.

Feature key: warnings

4.3.1. Post targets


target of the log message containing information about a created warn, only used if feature mode warnLogging is enabled.


will be used when all the warnings are decayed by decayAllWarnings and feature mode warnDecayLogging is enabled.

4.3.2. Feature modes


if enabled, warn decays by decayAllWarnings are logged to the post target decayLog. Enabled by default.

4.3.3. Commands

Warn a user
  • Usage: warn <member> [reason]

  • Description: Warns the member with the given reason or a default one, if none is provided. This command sends a log message to the warnLog post target and notifies the member about the warning.

  • Example: warn @Member bad in order to warn Member with the reason bad (the @Member is a user mention)

Listing the warnings of users
  • Usage: warnings [member]

  • Description: If no member is provided displays all the warnings on the server. If a member is provided, will only display the warnings of the user. This uses a paginated output, which means multiple pages in case there are more warnings to display. This will also display the date the warning was decayed if applicable.

Showing your warnings
  • Usage: myWarnings

  • Description: Displays the amount of warnings of the user executing on the server. This will show both active and total warnings.

Decaying all warnings regardless of the date
  • Usage: decayAllWarnings

  • Description: This will cause all warnings of this server which are not decayed yet to be decayed instantly. Requires you to confirm the command.

Deleting a warning
  • Usage: deleteWarning <warnId>

  • Description: Deletes the warning identified by warnId completely from the database.

4.4. Automatic warn decay

This feature enables warnings to be decayed after a configurable amount of days. This feature directly depends on the feature warnings.

Feature key: warnDecay

4.4.1. Relevant system configuration

decayDays The amount of days after which a warning gets decayed. Default: 90

4.4.2. Post targets


target of the log message containing the information in case a warning is decayed.

4.4.3. Feature modes


if enabled, automatic warn decays are logged to the decayLog post target. Enabled by default.

4.4.4. Commands

Decaying all warnings if necessary
  • Usage: decayWarnings

  • Description: Triggers the decay of the warnings instantly, which means, every not decayed warning on this server older than the configured amount of days will be decayed and the decay will be logged. Requires you to confirm the command.

4.5. Muting

This feature provides the capability to mute users, which effectively means it applies a role which prevents them from sending messages and speaking in voice chat. The role used to mute member will not be created and needs to be provided. There is no validation if the provided role actually mutes members. If the user leaves the guild and rejoins, the mute will be re-applied.

Feature key muting

4.5.1. Post targets


target of log message containing the information in case a member was muted and when the mute ended automatically.

4.5.2. Feature modes


if enabled, each mute is to be logged to the post target muteLog. Enabled by default.


if enabled, each un mute which happens 'naturally' (after the defined time period is over) will be logged to the muteLog post target. Enabled by default.

4.5.3. Commands

Muting a user
  • Usage: mute <member> <duration> [reason]

  • Description: Applies the mute role to the given member for the given duration. If reason is not provided, a default reason will be used for logging in the muteLog post target. This will automatically un-mute the user after the duration has passed. If the un-mute happens automatically, this will also be logged in the muteLog post target. This command sends a notification to the user about the mute and kicks the user from the voice channel, if any.

  • Example: mute @Member 1h2m3s bad in order to mute the member Member for 1 hour 2 minutes and 3 seconds with the reason bad (the @Member is a user mention)

Un-Muting a user
  • Usage: unMute <member>

  • Description: Removes the mute role from member. This does not log the un-mute.

Showing all mutes
  • Usage: mutes [member]

  • Description: Shows all the mutes in a paginated matter with buttons to navigate the pages. If member is provided, it will only show mutes for this member.

4.6. Logging

This feature provides a range of utilities to monitor the server.

Feature key logging

4.6.1. Post targets


target for the messages containing information about a deleted message.


target for the messages containing information about an edited message.


target for the messages containing information about a user joining the server.


target or the messages containing information about a user leaving the server.

Deleted message logging

When a message is deleted, the content of the message and the possible attachments of said message will be logged.

Edited message logging

When a message is edited, the previous content of the message, and the new content of the message will be logged. This does not work if the message was sent before the bot was started or was very old.

Member joining logging

When a member joins the guild, a message indicating this is sent.

Member leaving logging

When a member leaves the guild, a message indicating this is sent.

4.7. User notes

Feature key userNotes

This feature provides the ability to store specific notes for members in the database. These notes can then be retrieved and deleted and consist of only text.

4.7.1. Commands

Creating a user note
  • Usage: userNote <user> <text>

  • Description: Creates a single user note for the specified user.

Deleting a user note
  • Usage: deleteNote <id>

  • Description: Deletes the user note identified by its ID. The ID can be retrieved by the command userNotes.

Retrieving user notes
  • Usage: userNotes [user]

  • Description: If user is not provided, this will list the user notes of the whole server, if user is provided, this will only list user notes from this particular user.

4.8. Invite filter

Feature key inviteFilter

This feature provides the ability to automatically delete invites not allowed on the server. These illegal invites can be tracked in a specific feature mode, in order to analyze if allowing them would make sense. Another feature mode can send a notification to a post target in case an invite link has been deleted.

4.8.1. Post targets


target for notifications about deleted invite links - if the feature mode filterNotifications is enabled.

4.8.2. Feature modes


if enabled, each filtered invite will be tracked in the database. Disabled by default.


if enabled, sends a notification to the inviteDeleteLog post target in case a message was deleted because of an invite. This notification contains the detected invite link(s), the author, the guild name (if possible) and a link to where the message was. Enabled by default.

4.8.3. Commands

Allowing an invite
  • Usage: allowInvite <invite>

  • Description: Adds the invite to the list of invites, which are allowed on the server. The invite can either be the full invite URL or only the last part. If the invite is already allowed, this command will do nothing.

Disallowing an invite
  • Usage: disAllowInvite <invite>

  • Description: Removes the invite from the list of invites, which are allowed on the server. The invite can either be the full invite URL or only the last part. In case the given invite is not allowed, this command will throw an error.

Showing the tracked filtered invites
  • Usage: showTrackedInviteLinks [amount]

  • Description: Shows the invites which were deleted from the server ordered by the amount of times they were deleted. The amount can be used to define how many invite links to display. The default is the top 5.

  • Mode Restriction: This command is only available when the feature mode trackUses is enabled.

Remove all or individual invites from the tracked filtered invites
  • Usage: removeTrackedInviteLinks [invite]

  • Description: Removes the stored statistic for the given invite. In case invite is not given, it will delete all tracked filtered invites from the server. Requires you to confirm the command.

  • Mode Restriction: This command is only available when the feature mode trackUses is enabled.

4.9. Profanity filter

Feature key profanityFilter

This functionality provides the ability to automatically delete any detected profanities. These profanities are configured via the profanity groups and profanity regexes. It is possible to use a voting process to validate a reported profanity. The uses of profanities can be tracked and a command is available to show the profanities for a user.

4.9.1. Post targets


target for reports to be voted on - if the feature mode filterNotifications is enabled.

4.9.2. Feature modes


if enabled, each detected profanity will be deleted immediately. Disabled by default.


if enabled, sends a notification to the profanityQueue post target to notify about a detected profanity. Enabled by default.


if enabled, sends a notification to the profanityQueue post target to notify about a detected profanity to be voted on. Requires feature mode profanityReport to be enabled. Enabled by default.


if enabled, after a profanity vote has reached the threshold (system config key profanityVotes), depending on the outcome, it will be deleted. Requires feature mode profanityVote to be enabled. Enabled by default.


if enabled, the command profanities is available to show the profanities of a member. Requires feature mode profanityVote to be enabled. Enabled by default.

4.9.3. Emotes

  • profanityFilterAgreeEmote reaction emote to indicate agreement about a reported profanity

  • profanityFilterDisagreeEmote reaction emote to indicate disagreement about a reported profanity

4.9.4. Commands

Show the profanities of a member
  • Usage profanities <member>

  • Description: Shows the true and false positive profanities of the given member. Also, if there any, shows the recent true positive reports.

4.10. Reporting a message via reaction

Feature key reportReactions

This functionality is used to report user by members via adding a reaction to a message. This message is then send to the post target reactionReports notifying the moderation of the server. Additional reports of the same user, within the cooldown defined by system config reactionReportCooldownSeconds (in seconds), increment the report counter instead of adding another notification. A reporting user cannot report another user within a time range defined by the same system config.

4.10.1. Relevant system configuration

reactionReportCooldownSeconds The amount of seconds between the reports to create a new report for a user. The amount of seconds necessary for a new report of a user to be reported again. Default: 300

4.10.2. Post targets


target for report notification messages

4.10.3. Emotes

  • reactionReport reaction emote to report a message

4.11. Mass mention automatic mute

Feature key massPingLog

This functionality requires the feature mutes to be enabled and optionally has configuration for integration for experience feature. This functionality will automatically mute a member who mentions more than a configured amount of users.

4.11.1. Post targets


target for notifications of automatic mutes

4.11.2. Relevant system configuration


The level at which members are allowed to mass ping and not get muted.

4.12. Tracking general infractions

Feature key infractions

This functionality just behaves to track general infractions of users, be it through the means of warnings or mutes. Currently, its very limited and only can be used to configure levels of infractions and certain points for various infractions, which will be tracked and stored.

4.12.1. Post targets


target for notifications of infraction level changes

4.12.2. Relevant system configuration


The amount of infraction levels which should be possible to configure


This system config key acts as a prefix up until the amount of infraction levels. With this you can configure the amount of points necessary to reach the given level: For example infractionLevel2 would be the amount of points necessary to reach level 2. These levels are not enforced to be ordered nor if all levels have a value assigned to it. Any level evaluation will stop at the first level not defined.

4.13. Mod mail

This feature enables users to contact the moderation of the server in a private manner. This can be initiated by messaging the bot. The messages, in the channel which is created to contain the mod mail thread, are not automatically sent to the user, but only when using the commands reply or anonReply. Any other message is ignored with the intention of enabling discussions within the channel. In case the message of a message sent to the user needs to be updated or deleted, you can do simply by editing/deleting the message containing the command.

Feature key: modmail

4.13.1. Necessary bot permissions

MANAGE_CHANNEL to create the channels representing the mod mail threads

4.13.2. Workflow

  • User messages the bot

  • If the bot is active in multiple servers with mod mail enabled, the user is prompted to which server they want to open a mod mail thread for.

  • A channel in the mod mail category is created for the user and notification is sent that a new mod mail thread has been opened

  • User can send messages in the private channel and they get relayed to this created text channel.

  • Moderators can answer in the thread with the commands

  • Moderators close the thread

  • The interactions between the user and the moderators gets logged in the mod mail logging channel

4.13.3. Relevant system configuration


The category on the server which is used to hold the text channels representing the threads


The text being used when notifying the user when a thread is closed.

4.13.4. Post targets


Will be used to send the notification when a new thread is opened.


Will be used to log the interactions when a thread is closed.

4.13.5. Feature modes


If this is enabled, the messages should be logged into the modmailLog post target when the thread is closed (by the respective commands). Makes the command closeNoLog available. Enabled by default.


If this is enabled, every message which is sent via the commands reply and anonReply will also be sent to the thread in order to have a visualizer how the message looks and to have a clear indication which messages were sent. Enabled by default.

4.13.6. Emotes

  • readReaction to indicate to the user that the message sent was processed

4.13.7. Commands

Opening a mod mail thread for a user
  • Usage: contact <member>

  • Description: Creates a new mod mail thread with the member. Does not send a notification about the new thread.

Adding a role to the roles responsible for managing mod mail threads
  • Usage: setModMailRole <role>

  • Description: Adds this role to the roles responsible for mod mail threads, which means: this role will be pinged when a new thread is created and this role is automatically added to the roles allowed to execute all commands related to mod mail.

Removing a role from the roles responsible for managing mod mail threads
  • Usage: removeModMailRole <role>

  • Description: Removes this role from the roles responsible for mod mail threads, which means: this role will no longer be pinged when a new thread is created and this role will also be removed from the roles allowed to execute all commands related to mod mail.

Changing the category in which the text channels are created
  • Usage: setModMailCategory <categoryId>

  • Description: Sets the category which the bot uses to create the text channels for mod mail threads. The existing threads will not be migrated automatically.

The following commands are only available within a mod mail thread.
Replying to a mod mail thread
  • Usage reply [text]

  • Description: Sends text to the user if provided. text is optional, because it is also possible to only send an image.

Replying anonymously to a mod mail thread
  • Usage: anonReply [text]

  • Description: Sends text to the user without showing how is the author, but using the avatar and name of the bot.

Enabling notifications of messages sent by the user
  • Usage: subscribe

  • Description: Subscribes you to the current thread, and will ping you when a new message from the member is received.

Disabling notifications of messages sent by the user
  • Usage: unSubscribe

  • Description: Removes your subscription from the current thread, and you will no longer be notified when a message from the member is received.

Closing the mod mail thread
  • Usage: close [note]

  • Description: Closes the thread, deletes the text channel containing the thread and logs the interactions between the member and the moderators in the modmailLog post target. (only if log is enabled) When closing a thread, a closing header with general information will be sent and the note will be displayed there. Closing with this command notifies the user.

Closing the mod mail thread without notifying the user
  • Usage: closeSilently [note]

  • Description: Closes the thread, deletes the text channel containing the thread and logs the interactions between the member and the moderators in the modmailLog post target. (only if log is enabled) When closing a thread, a closing header with general information will be send and the note will be displayed there. Closing with this command will not notify the user.

4.14. Experience tracking

This feature contains the ability to track experience of users on the server and award roles based on the level they reach. The experience is awarded once per minute and is calculated by \$`\text{rand}(\text{minExp}, \text{maxExp}) * \text{expScale}`\$. Currently members only have their highest earned role assigned.

4.14.1. Necessary bot permissions

MANAGE_ROLES in order to award members with roles

4.14.2. Relevant system configuration

minExp The lower bound of the awarded base experience. Default: 10.

maxExp The upper bound of the awarded base experience Default: 25.

expScale The multiplier applied after the experience amount was determined. Default: 1.0.

4.14.3. Commands

Changing the experience scale of the server
  • Usage: expScale <value>

  • Description: Changes the value of expScale on this server to value.

Showing the leaderboard of the server
  • Usage: leaderboard [page]

  • Description: Shows the leaderboard of the server in a paginated format. If no parameter is provided, it will show message count, level, experience and rank of the top 10 members. Additionally, the same information for the executing user is shown, regardless whether or not the user is already shown on the given leader board page. If a page is provided, it will display the leaderboard of the ranks page * 10 until (page + 1) * 10 instead. If page is beyond the member count, the last members are shown.

Setting a role to be awarded at a certain level
  • Usage: setExpRole <level> <role>

  • Description: Sets role to be awarded at the given level. If the role was previously assigned, this will cause to remove this assignment and recalculate the roles for all users previously having this role. A status image indicating the progress will be shown. It will not award this role to users which qualify for this, a syncRoles is necessary for this. Requires you to confirm the command.

  • Example: setExpRole 50 @HighLevel in order to award the role HighLevel at level 50 (the @HighLevel is a role mention)

Syncing the roles of the members with the configuration
  • Usage: syncRoles

  • Description: Recalculates the appropriate levels for all users on the server and awards the roles appropriate for the level. There will be a message indicating the current status of the progress, and it is highly advised to not execute this command while another instance is still processing. Requires you to confirm the command. This command can run for a longer period of time, depending on the amount of members in the guild.

Remove a role from being awarded at a certain level
  • Usage: unSetExpRole <role>

  • Description: Removes this role from the experience tracking, removes the role from all members previously owning it and recalculates their new role according to the configuration. Requires you to confirm the command. This will provide a status update message displaying the process.

Disable experience gain for a certain role
  • Usage: disableExpForRole <role>

  • Description: Disables any experience gain for members with this role. They will not gain any experience until the role is removed or it is possible for the role to gain experience again. If a member has any role of the ones for which experience is disabled, the member will not gain experience.

Enable experience gain for a certain role
  • Usage: enableExpForRole <role>

  • Description: Enables experience gain for role.

List roles for which experience gain is disabled
  • Usage: listDisabledExperienceRoles

  • Description: Lists the roles for which experience gain is disabled in this server.

  • Aliases: lsDisEpRoles

Disable experience gain for a specific member
  • Usage: disableExpGain <member>

  • Description: Disables experience gain fpr member.

Enable experience gain for a specific member
  • Usage: enableExpGain <member>

  • Description: Enables experience gain for member.

Show the currently configured experience roles in the server
  • Usage: levelRoles

  • Description: Shows the current configured experience roles, and the level they are awarded at.

4.15. Assignable roles

This feature enables creating and maintaining so-called 'assignable role places' (ARP). These places are messages at which buttons are added, and when a member clicks such a button, a configured role is assigned to the user. A place can be disabled, which causes the buttons to become disabled. Such places can be made 'unique', which means that users can only have one role assigned at one point in time.

There exist different types of ARPs: DEFAULT, or BOOSTER´. The `BOOSTER type comes with special functionalities: if a member clicked a button, the bot will evaluate whether the member has boosted the server and reject if not. These 'booster assigned roles' will be removed once the member stopped boosting.

Deleting the actual role behind an assignable role causes the assignable role place to become non-functional: the button will remain and can still be clicked, but users will receive an error message. In this case you can remove such a role via the command removeRoleFromAssignableRolePlace.

Feature key: assignableRole

4.15.1. Commands

Create a new ARP
  • Usage: createAssignableRolePlace <name> <channel> <text> [type]

  • Description: Creates a new assignable role place with the key name. The text will be shown in the description of the first message. When the messages are created it will be posted towards the channel channel. If type is not provided, it will default to DEFAULT. Possible values for are booster and default.

Add a role to an ARP
  • Usage: addRoleToAssignableRolePlace <name> <role> <text> [emote]

  • Description: Adds one role to the ARP identified by name. The role will be assigned when a member clicks the button. The text will be the text of the button, and the optional emote will be used as an emote in the button. It is required that emote is usable by the bot.

Create the ARP in Discord
  • Usage: setupAssignableRolePlace <name>

  • Description: Posts the message of the ARP identified by name to the configured channel in discord. This will delete past message of this ARP (if any)

Remove a role from an ARP
  • Usage: removeRoleFromAssignableRolePlace <name> <role>

  • Description: Removes from the ARP identified by name the button associated with the role role. If the role was deleted in the meantime, providing the role ID works as well.

Show the current configuration for an assignable role place
  • Usage: showAssignableRolePlaceConfig <name>

  • Description: This command displays the current configuration of ARP identified by name.

Move an ARP to another channel
  • Usage: moveAssignableRolePlace <name> <newChannel>

  • Description: Moves the ARP identified by name to be in newChannel. If the ARP has a message currently, this will immediately delete the message and create it in the given newChannel.

Deactivate the ARP
  • Usage: deactivateAssignableRolePlace <name>

  • Description: Deactivates the buttons of the ARP identified by name.

Activate the ARP
  • Usage: activateAssignableRolePlace <name>

  • Description: Activates the buttons of the ARP identified by name.

Change configuration of ARP
  • Usage: changeAssignableRolePlaceConfig <name> <key> <newValue>

  • Description: Changes the config attribute indicated by key of the place identified by name to newValue. The possible key is unique and it can take true/false as newValue.

Delete an ARP
  • Usage: deleteAssignableRolePlace <name>

  • Description: Completely deletes the ARP identified by name. This includes any trace in the database and the current message, if any. Requires you to confirm the command.

Change description text of ARP
  • Usage editAssignableRolePlaceText <name> <newText>

  • Description: Changes the text which is shown in the message of the ARP identified by name to newText. This changes the message immediately.

Create an assignable role condition
  • Usage: addAssignableRoleCondition <name> <role> <conditionKey> <conditionValue>

  • Description: Creates a condition for the given assignable role identified by role for the ARP identified by name. There only exist one conditionKey right now, which is min_level. The given conditionValue for this condition must be a number between 1 and 150.

Delete an assignable role condition
  • Usage: removeAssignableRoleCondition <name> <role> <conditionKey>

  • Description: Removes the assignable role condition conditionKey for role in the ARP identified by name. There only exist one conditionKey right now, which is min_level.

4.16. Statistic

This component will contain multiple features, currently only emote tracking is available.

4.17. Emote tracking

This feature is about tracking the usage of emotes from the server and external servers. The intention of this feature is to see what emotes are doing better than others and which emotes might be interesting to add to the server or removed.

Feature key: emoteTracking

4.17.1. Feature modes


if enabled, emotes which are created within the server, are automatically stored and tracked. If they are renamed/deleted this will also be reflected automatically. Enabled by default.


if enabled, every external tracked emote will be counted. It is also possible to track additional external emotes via the trackEmote command. Disabled by default.


if enabled, every external emote which is used in a message by a server member will be automatically stored and tracked. externalEmotes needs to be enabled in order for this to function properly. Disabled by default.

4.17.2. Commands

Creating a newly tracked emote
  • Usage: trackEmote <emote>

  • Description: The emote needs to be a valid usage of an emote. If the emote is part of the server, it will be tracked from now on. If the emote was tracked previously, it will be enabled again. For external emotes to be tracked this way, the feature mode externalEmotes needs to be enabled. The emote can either be a valid usage or the ID of an emote (it can only be an ID if it was previously tracked).

Disable tracking for an emote
  • Usage: disableEmoteTracking [emote]

  • Description: This command will cause the usages of emote to not be counted anymore. The emote can either be a valid usage or the ID of an emote. If emote is not given, the tracking for all tracked emotes is disabled.

Show currently tracked emotes
  • Usage: showTrackedEmotes [showTrackingDisabled]

  • Description: This commands shows the currently tracked emotes of this server. If ´showTrackingDisabled´ is true this command will also show the emotes for which the tracking is currently disabled. The shown tracked emotes are split into six groups: static/animated emotes from the server, static/animated emotes which previously existed on the server and static/animated external emotes. The categories for external emotes will not be shown if externalEmotes is disabled. If there are no emotes of a group, there will be no message.

Show emote statistics of emotes in the server
  • Usage: emoteStats [period]

  • Description: This command shows the amount each tracked emote from the server has been used overall. If a period is supplied, it will only show the amount of usages in that time period. If it is not provided, it will show the whole timeline. Beware that the amount of emotes is only tracked per day. For example, if it is 3PM UTC and you use 18h as a time period, it will also show the emote statistics for the complete previous day.

Show emote statistics of emotes previously in the server
  • Usage: deletedEmoteStats [period]

  • Description: This command behaves the same way as emoteStats with the difference that it shows the emotes which were previously in the server. This means that the output will only show the name and the ID of the emote.

Show emote statistics of external emotes
  • Usage: externalEmoteStats [period]

  • Description: This command behaves the same way as emoteStats with the difference that it shows emotes which are not from this server. This means that the output will only show the name and the ID of the emote.

  • Mode Restriction: This command is only available when the feature mode externalEmotes is enabled.

Synchronize the server emotes with the database
  • Usage: syncTrackedEmotes

  • Description: This command cross checks the emotes in the database with the ones currently available in the server. If an emote was deleted in the server, but is still marked as available in the database, it will be marked as deleted. If an emote from the server is not available in the database, it will be created and tracked automatically. A message containing the amount of emotes deleted and created is shown. If the feature mode emoteAutoTrack is enabled, this should only be necessary in case the bot had an outage.

Delete emote usages
  • Usage: purgeEmoteStats <emote> [period]

  • Description: This command removes any stored usages of emote. The emote can either be a valid usage or the ID of an emote. If period is given, only usages within this time period will be deleted, if it is not provided, the complete timeline will be deleted. Requires you to confirm the command.

Deleting an individual tracked emote
  • Usage: deleteTrackedEmote <emote>

  • Description: Deletes the tracked emote from the database including the usages. The emote can either be a valid usage or the ID of an emote. Requires you to confirm the command.

Reset emote statistics
  • Usage: resetEmoteStats

  • Description: This will delete all emote usages and tracked emotes in the database. Requires you to confirm the command.

Show the image of external tracked emotes
  • Usage: showExternalTrackedEmote <emote>

  • Description: Shows the ID, name, link to the image and the image directly for emote in an embed.

  • Mode Restriction: This command is only available when the feature mode externalEmotes is enabled.

Export the stored emote usages
  • Usage: exportEmoteStats [period]

  • Description: Creates a CSV file containing the emote usages and attaches it to a message. Each line in the file is the amount of usages of an emote per day. When an emote has not been used in a day, no line is present. If period is given, only usages from this time period will be exported, if it is not provided, the complete timeline will be exported. If the resulting file size is over the upload limit of the server, this command will not provide the file.

4.18. Reminders

Provides the ability to schedule reminders.

Feature key: remind

4.18.1. Commands

Create a reminder
  • Usage: remind <duration> <text>

  • Description: Creates a reminder with text which will be triggered after duration. This command uses duration parsing. The reminder will ping when the duration has passed and provide the context of the reminder.

  • Example: remind 1h2m3s text in order to be reminded in 1 hour 2 minutes and 3 seconds with the reason text

Cancelling a reminder
  • Usage unRemind <reminderId>

  • Description: Cancels this reminder and will cause this reminder to not be executed. Only possible for reminders started by the user executing the command.

Listing all active reminders
  • Usage: reminders

  • Description: Lists all the currently not yet executed reminders and information about each of them.

Re-schedule a past reminder
  • Usage: snooze <reminderId> <duration>

  • Description: Schedules the reminder identified by reminderId to be triggered after duration again. It is only possible to do this for reminders which have already been executed. Only possible for reminders started by the user executing the command.

4.19. Starboard

Provides the ability to track note worthy posts in a separate channel, identified by the post target starboard, because the pins within a channel are limited to 50. This feature works by users reacting to a message with the appropriate emote. By default this is , but can be changed via the emote star. There is a configurable threshold a message needs to reach in order to be posted to starboard. The post in the starboard is continuously updated and depending on the current star count an associated emote is displayed. When the poster of the message reacts to the message with a star, this is not counted. When the post is deleted from the starboard, the original message cannot appear on the starboard again.

Feature key: starboard

4.19.1. Emotes

  • star to vote on posting something to starboard

  • star1 for level 1 of starboard

  • star2 for level 2 of starboard

  • star3 for level 3 of starboard

  • star4 for level 4 of starboard

  • starboardBadge1 used as marker for first place in the command starStats

  • starboardBadge2 used as marker for first place in the command starStats

  • starboardBadge3 used as marker for first place in the command starStats

4.19.2. Relevant system configuration

starLvl1 The amount of stars necessary to appear on the starboard. Default: 5

starLvl2 The amount of stars necessary in order for the level 2 emote to be used in the starboard post. Default: 8

starLvl3 The amount of stars necessary in order for the level 3 emote to be used in the starboard post. Default: 13

starLvl4 The amount of stars necessary in order for the level 4 emote to be used in the starboard post. Default: 17

starMaxDays The amount of days after which reactions will be ignored: Default: 7

4.19.3. Post targets


The target used for the messages containing the starboard posts with the current star amount

4.19.4. Commands

Showing starboard statistics
  • Usage starStats [member]

  • Description: Shows the most starred posts, the member with the most received stars and the members rewarding the most stars. If member is provided, this command will show the top posts, received stars and given stars for this member. The user is still required to be part of the server.

4.20. Suggestions

This feature provides the ability for members to post suggestions containing text to the post target suggestions. These suggestions can then be accepted or denied by the moderators. An acceppted/vetoed/rejected suggestion will be deleted after two days (default configuration) from the database

Feature key: suggestion

4.20.1. Feature modes


if enabled, a message will be sent to the post target suggestionReminder, after the amount of days configured in suggestionReminderDays. Disabled by default.


if enabled, use buttons instead of reactions for suggestions. Enabled by default.

4.20.2. Post targets


the target of the messages containing the suggestions


the target for the message to remind about suggestions. Requires feature mode suggestionReminder to be enabled

4.20.3. Emotes

  • suggestionYes for up-voting a suggestion

  • suggestionNo for down-voting a suggestion

4.20.4. Relevant system configuration

suggestionReminderDays The amount of days in which the reminder, from feature mode suggestionReminder, should be posted in. Default: 7

4.20.5. Commands

Creating a suggestion
  • Usage: suggest <text>

  • Description: Posts the text to the suggest post target and either adds emotes or buttons for voting. If suggestionReminder is enabled, this will create a suggestion reminder.

Accepting a suggestion
  • Usage: accept <suggestionId> [reason]

  • Description: Re-posts the suggestion identified by suggestionId and marks the suggestion as accepted. The optional reason will be used in this re-post, if provided. This will cancel the suggestion reminder (if it exists). This will also show the amount of votes received, but these are only counted when feature mode suggestionButton is enabled.

  • Example: accept 1 okay in order to accept the suggestion 1 with the reason okay

Rejecting a suggestion
  • Usage: reject <suggestionId> [reason]

  • Description: Re-posts the suggestion identified by suggestionId and marks the suggestion as denied. The optional reason will be used in this re-post, if provided. This will cancel the suggestion reminder (if it exists). This will also show the amount of votes received, but these are only counted when feature mode suggestionButton is enabled.

  • Example: deny 1 not okay in order to reject the suggestion 1 with the reason not okay

Removing a suggestion you created
  • Usage: unSuggest <suggestionId>

  • Description: This will delete the suggestion identified by suggestionId from the channel and the database, but this is only possible within a specified time range (1h by default). This will cancel the suggestion reminder (if it exists)

Vetoing a suggestion
  • Usage : veto <suggestion> [reason]

  • Description: This command will veto the suggestion, this means, it should be indicated that the suggestion was not rejected by votes, but because it was not acceptable on a fundamental level. This is basically just a different state of the suggestion. This will cancel the suggestion reminder (if it exists). This will also show the amount of votes received, but these are only counted when feature mode suggestionButton is enabled.

4.21. Miscellaneous

This feature provides some utility commands.

Feature key: utility

4.21.1. Commands

Retrieving the URL of an emote
  • Usage: showEmote <emote>

  • Description: Posts the name of the emote accompanied with the URL where the image of the emote is available at.

Displaying the avatar or a member
  • Usage: showAvatar [member]

  • Description: Displays the avatar of the given member accompanied with a URL to access it directly. If no member is provided, the member executing will be used.

Displaying information about members
  • Usage: userInfo [member]

  • Description: Displays information about a member including: username, ID, activity, nickname (if any), date joined the server and date registered on discord.

Displaying information about the server
  • Usage: serverInfo

  • Description: Displays information about the server including: ID, server name, owner, member count, creation date, role count, server features and custom emotes of the server.

Choose one of multiple options
  • Usage: choose [options separated by space]

  • Description: Selects one of the given options and returns it. The options need to be separated by space. If you want to have a space in an option, the complete option needs to be wrapped by ". For example "this is a test" is one whole option.

This feature enables the automatic embedding of messages containing a message link. If a message contains a link to a discord message this will create an embed containing the the message content. This supports image attachments, but not videos or files. A reaction/button is placed on the embedded message which can be used to delete this embed. Only the original author and the person creating the embed can delete the embed this way.

Feature key: linkEmbeds

4.22.1. Feature modes


if enabled, uses a button for removal instead of a reaction

4.22.2. Emotes

  • removeEmbed to remove the embed of a link

4.23. Repost detection and tracking

This feature can be used to detect whether an image has been posted before on the server. Images are compared by the hash stored in the database, which makes it very strict. In order to calculate the hash, the image needs to be downloaded. It is possible to show a leaderboard of the most reposting users. Both of these features can be changed via feature modes. If a reaction has been detected a reaction will be added to the post. If a message contains multiple or the detected repost is not the first image in the message a reaction containing digit indicating the position of the repost will be added. For example if the repost is the second image in a message, a reaction representing the digit two will be added.

While it can be configured that the feature is only active in certain channels, the detection whether an image is a repost checks all previously posted images from the server (given they have been posted in a channel where the repost check is active).

Feature key: repostDetection

4.23.1. Feature modes


If this is enabled, the images in the configured channels will be downloaded and the hash is calculated basd on the file content. The images are deleted immediately afterwards. If this is disabled, the proxy URL of the image will be used to calculate the hash. Enabled by default.


If this is enabled, the command repostLeaderboard will be available. This command shows the leaderboard of the user with the most reposts. Disabled by default.

4.23.2. Emotes

  • repostMarker to indicate that a post has been identified as a repost

4.23.3. Commands

Remove stored image posts and reposts of whole server or specific member
  • Usage: purgeImagePosts [member]

  • Description: If member is provided, this will delete all stored image hashes (and their reposts) from the database. If member is not provided, this will delete all stored image hashes (and their reposts) from the whole server. Requires you to confirm the command.

Remove reposts of whole server or specific member
  • Usage: purgeReposts [member]

  • Description: If member is provided, this will delete all reposts of the given member. If member is not provided, this will delete all reposts in the whole server. Requires you to confirm the command.

Show the leaderboard of reposts
  • Usage: repostLeaderboard [page]

  • Description: Shows the rank and the amount of reposts for a provided page, if page is not provided, it will show five users with the highest a mount of reposts. page is 1-indexed. It will also show the amount and rank of the user executing.

  • Mode Restriction: This command is only available when the feature mode leaderboard is enabled.

Enable repost check for a channel group
  • Usage: enableRepostCheck <groupName>

  • Description: Enables the repost checking for all channels in the channel group identified by groupName. This channel group needs to be of type repostCheck.

Disable repost check for a channel group
  • Usage: disableRepostCheck <groupName>

  • Description: Disables the repost checking for all channels in the channel group identified by groupName. This channel group needs to be of type repostCheck.

Show the channels for which repost check has been enabled
  • Usage: showRepostCheckChannels

  • Description: Shows the channel groups with their respective channels for which the repost check has been enabled. These can only be channel groups of type repostCheck. It can still be enabled if there are now channels in the channel group.

4.24. Entertainment commands

This feature basically contains a few commands which can be used for entertainment purposes directly

Feature key: entertainment

4.24.1. Relevant system configuration

rouletteBullets The amount of bullets the revolver for roulette can hold. Default: 6 rollDefaultHigh The default sides of the die for roll. Default: 6

Play a round of russian roulette
  • Usage: roulette

  • Description: Decides, based on the configured amount of bullets possible, whether a shot happens. Shows the result as a message.

Calculate the love chance between two texts
  • Usage: loveCalc <textA> <xtextB>

  • Description: Decides, by a random chance, the percentage of love between the two given texts and displays it in a message.

Ask a magic 8-ball a question
  • Usage: 8ball <texŧ>

  • Description: Decides the answer for the question, given on a set of pre-defined answers. This happens randomly.

Roll a virtual die
  • Usage: role [max] [min]

  • Description: Rolls a virtual die. Per default this is a six sided die. If max is provided, it changes the amount of sides possible and if min is provided, no value below this is possible. If min is larger than max, it is taken as max and vice-versa.

Mock the message of another user
  • Usage: mock <text/message>

  • Description: Takes the text and prints the text with the characters with alternating upper and lower case. If no text is provided, this command requires that the command has been executed in a message which replies to another message. In this case the text to be mocked will be the content of the message which has been replied to. If both is provided, a replied message takes precedence.

Add text as reactions to another message
  • Usage: react <message> <text>

  • Description: Takes the text, converts it into unicode characters, while trying to avoid duplicates, and adds the reactions to the given message. If it was not possible to avoid duplicates, or the overall reactions (including already existing reactions) would go over the Discord limit, this command will show an error message, without adding any reaction. Some characters can be replaced with one unicode character, for example 'SOS'.

4.25. Voice channel context

This feature provides the ability to show certain text channels for certain voice channels and enable voice channels to be used for chatting while in voice channels.

Feature key: voiceChannelContext

Create a voice channel context
  • Usage createVoiceChannelContext <voiceChannel> <role>

  • Description: Creates a connection between the voiceChannel and the given role. When a member joins the voiceChannel they will be given the role. This role can then be used to provide the 'view channel' permission on a text channel which can be used as a 'context channel' for the voice chat. The voice channel can be provided as a parameter via a mention (type '#!' + voice channel name), channel ID or the channel name.

Deleting a voice channel context
  • Usage deleteVoiceChannelContext <voiceChannel>

  • Description: Deletes any voice channel context for the given voiceChannel. Members will no longer receive a role, when joining the voice channel. The voiceChannel can also be a channel ID.

4.26. Webservices

Integrates different web APIs to be used via the bot.

4.27. Youtube

Feature key: youtube

4.27.1. Feature modes


if enabled, the video shown with video details. Disabled by default.

4.27.2. Command

Search for a youtube video
  • Usage: youtubeSearch <query>

  • Aliases: yt

  • Description: Searches youtube for a video with this query, and returns the link with additional information.

4.28. Urban dictionary

Feature key: urban

4.28.1. Command

Search for an urban dictionary definition
  • Usage: urbanDefine <query>

  • Aliases: ud

  • Description: Searches an urban dictionary definition, and returns the definition, with an example and meta information.